Beautiful Boss – Audiobook Online

Beautiful Boss is a book in the Beautiful Bastard series by author Christina Lauren.
In this novel, Will Sumner and Hanna Bergstrom that a wedding and eternal love are just the beginning.

A tamed player. A satisfied nerd girl. And another important life decision to make.

When Will falls for Hanna, her quirky sense of humor and fierce dedication to her career are part of the attraction. But when job offers start coming in for her – and oh, yes – Hanna has trouble deciding what she wants, where they should live. , and how much she should burden Will with this decision.

The magic between sheets is only part of the relationship… onto the same sheet is completely different.

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Audiobookss audio player

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0.75 Speed
Normal Speed
1.25 Speed
1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Beautiful-Boss-Beautiful-Bastard-4-5-000 5394.77
  • 03. Beautiful-Boss-Beautiful-Bastard-4-5-001 4972.33


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