Cold Betrayal – Ali Reynolds Book 10

Cold Betrayal is the 10th novel in the Ali Reynolds series by author J. A. Jance. A New York Times bestseller, Cold Betrayal forces Ali to confront evil and hunted women. Ali struggles to protect Betsy and her sister Anselm also needs Ali’s help, both racing to find the truth hidden for so long.

Here are the top 3 reviews and comments that readers love about this fascinating book.

Review 1: Cold Betrayal – Ali Reynolds Book 10 audiobook by Wayne

Excellent but depressing novel

The primary topic of Cold Betrayal is sex trafficking. The novel is set in Arizona. A commune of approximately 25 families forces its girls at age 15 to choose between polygamy where the women are used as breeders, slavery to do the work, or being sold into sex slavery in foreign countries. Most boys are allowed to simply leave. The novel is well written and well performed.

Review 2: Cold Betrayal – Ali Reynolds Book 10 audiobook by D. Freeman


I haven’t read this author in some time but decided to give it a try. The reading was stiff, the story predictable. while the subject matter is a topic that demands more awareness, this story does not answer that need.

Review 3: Cold Betrayal – Ali Reynolds Book 10 audiobook by Brenda Gibbons

Another wonderful read

I have read all of JA Jance’s work and this book was like all very entertaining. The story was relevant and not too predictable.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Cold Betrayal (Alison Reynolds 10)_01 3832
  • 03. Cold Betrayal (Alison Reynolds 10)_02 3832
  • 04. Cold Betrayal (Alison Reynolds 10)_03 3832
  • 05. Cold Betrayal (Alison Reynolds 10)_04 3832
  • 06. Cold Betrayal (Alison Reynolds 10)_05 3832
  • 07. Cold Betrayal (Alison Reynolds 10)_06 3832
  • 08. Cold Betrayal (Alison Reynolds 10)_07 3832
  • 09. Cold Betrayal (Alison Reynolds 10)_08 3832
  • 10. Cold Betrayal (Alison Reynolds 10)_09 3831.95

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