Dark Fire/ Dark, Book 6 – Audiobook Online

Dark Fire is the sixth love book in the Dark series by author Christine Feehan.
Darius warned her when she accepted a position in his traveling company.

She was always different, apart from others. From the moment he wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in a spell of witchcraft, Darius seemed to understand her unique gifts. Does his kiss bring the love and belonging she’s been looking for, or is a danger stronger than his own cheetahs?

Somewhere deep inside herself, Tempest realized that she knew the answer. She had no choice but to accept the caress, subduing her piercing white skin, welcoming a erotic pleasure like no other.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Dark Fire (Dark 6)_01 3854.31
  • 03. Dark Fire (Dark 6)_02 3854.31
  • 04. Dark Fire (Dark 6)_03 3854.31
  • 05. Dark Fire (Dark 6)_04 3854.31
  • 06. Dark Fire (Dark 6)_05 3854.31
  • 07. Dark Fire (Dark 6)_06 3854.31
  • 08. Dark Fire (Dark 6)_07 3854.31
  • 09. Dark Fire (Dark 6)_08 3854.31
  • 10. Dark Fire (Dark 6)_09 3854.31
  • 11. Dark Fire (Dark 6)_10 3854.31
  • 12. Dark Fire (Dark 6)_11 3854


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