Empire of Storms (Full Audiobook) By Sarah J. Maas

Achieving a higher position in life always cause you much than you expect and for the Queen of Terrasen it is something that she never wanted. But now she is the queen she has royal subjects to take care of whether she likes it or not.

Her duty is now her fate and she is not backing down this time, actually she in the whole series has kept her promises and we don’t see her showing any sign of cowardice at any state. In Heir of Fire and Queen of Shadows the fight is always on for her.  

But it is always what she gets at the end that tires her; she watches the sad scenes with her friends dying in her quest. Moreover the queen now comes to term with treachery and the change of loyalty that shows her the hideous aspect of mankind. Traitors cause heavy damage to her state and her mental condition as well because she has been in the world where such things never happened and now she realizes the corrupt politics and the games for the thrones. 

The more she faces the evils of the human world the stronger she becomes but the cost is heavy, the devil is within her is taking our and she is losing the part of her personality that she loved. She has always tried to be more human ironically for the humans and because of the humans she turns into the devil she never wanted to be. The narrator of the story Elizabeth Evans at every part has increased the stress and pain in her tone which was dully needed to portray this beautiful queen of tragedy.


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