(Free Online Audiobook) No-Drama Discipline By Daniel J. Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson

No-Drama Discipline is a health and wellness book that primarily talks about different strategies associated with the mental health and psychology of children. It is written by the duo of Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson. The Whole-Brain Child is another book written by the authors’ duo. On top of that, Brainstorm is a book individually written by Daniel J. Siegel and highly recommended for people seeking psychological help for the children.

The authors, Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson themselves have narrated this book. They were quite efficient in both the roles as an audience just loved their performances. In this novel, they specifically explored the significant child-raising challenge of discipline. The book beautifully highlights the exciting link between the neurological development of the child and the way parents respond to misbehavior. 

A brilliant and practical road map to the development of children is given which could compassionately deal with tensions, tantrums, and tears. All this is possible if planned effectively, which eventually would give possible results only and without creating any scene. 

There must be a specific way to reach your child and to redirect their emotions at a given time. You must look for turning a meltdown into some definite opportunity that contributes toward their growth. If that strategy is employed then the negative behavior cycle would come to an end. The problem-solving in such a case would eventually become a win-win situation.

The book will grab your attention right from page 1 and will not let you go anywhere till it is concluded. Both the authors beautifully explained that what and why giving punishment is a nothing but a dead-end strategy.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. No-Drama Discipline - Part 1 4034.59
  • 03. No-Drama Discipline - Part 2 4326.27
  • 04. No-Drama Discipline - Part 3 4231.34
  • 05. No-Drama Discipline - Part 4 3977.51
  • 06. No-Drama Discipline - Part 5 4347.14
  • 07. No-Drama Discipline - Part 6 4410.51
  • 08. No-Drama Discipline - Part 7 4603.25

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