(Free Online Audiobook) The Eye of Heaven – Fargo Adventure Book 6 By Clive Cussler

The Eye of Heaven is the sixth novel in the series Sam and Remi Fargo Adventures by famous authors Clive Cussler and Thomas Perry. In this session, the couple Sami and Remi Fargo during a trip to Baffin Island. They found the Viking ship in the ice. Inside the ship contains many Colombian antiques and artifacts from Mexico. There was a connection between the Viking and the legendary feathered serpent Toltec Quetzalcoatl. Sami and Remi Fargo are in danger, they must flee to escape this place.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. 06. Fargo Adventures 06 - The Eye Of Heaven- 1 3600.04
  • 03. 06. Fargo Adventures 06 - The Eye Of Heaven- 2 3600.04
  • 04. 06. Fargo Adventures 06 - The Eye Of Heaven- 3 3600.04
  • 05. 06. Fargo Adventures 06 - The Eye Of Heaven- 4 3600.04
  • 06. 06. Fargo Adventures 06 - The Eye Of Heaven- 5 3600.04
  • 07. 06. Fargo Adventures 06 - The Eye Of Heaven- 6 3600.04
  • 08. 06. Fargo Adventures 06 - The Eye Of Heaven- 7 3600.04
  • 09. 06. Fargo Adventures 06 - The Eye Of Heaven- 8 3600.04
  • 10. 06. Fargo Adventures 06 - The Eye Of Heaven- 9 3600.04
  • 11. 06. Fargo Adventures 06 - The Eye Of Heaven- 10 3600.04
  • 12. 06. Fargo Adventures 06 - The Eye Of Heaven- 11 3116.38

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