(Free Online Audiobook) The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie By Alan Bradley
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie is the first novel in the Flavia de Luce Mysteries series by famous author Alan Bradley. The novel is about an intelligent and strange heroine, the 11-year-old Flavia de Luce. The incident happened to Ms. Flavia’s family, a rotting English mansion. A man lying on a pile of cucumbers and breathing his last, dead bird was found on the doorstep. Her father, the father of three daughters, was charged with murder.
She knows that her father is innocent, but to protect her family and loved ones, does Flavia’s father plead guilty to murder? What evidence will Ms. Flavia do, find evidence to prove her father’s innocence. We invite you to follow along of this interesting episode of this fascinating story.
A Flavia de Luce Mystery Book 1
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