Online Free Audiobook – The Man Who Sold America By Joy-Ann Reid

The Man Who Sold America is a nonfictional book on American history. It is about Trump and the unscrambling of the American story. The book is written by Joy-Ann Reid. Joy-Ann is an American TV host, political commentator, MSNBC national correspondent, and writer as well. You must have seen her at the forefront of cable news debates, especially in the election season. This enables her to bring a lot of experience in the writing that she does for the people of America and beyond. Fracture is another book by Joy-Ann that is worth having a go at.

Joy-Ann Reid herself has narrated this book. With her experience of speaking on TV shows, she did this narration job quite brilliantly.

The book throws some tough questions right at the start. Was trump running the biggest and longest ‘con’ in the history of the USA? How did we (Americans) get to this point? What will happen to the USA when Donald Trump leaves his presidential office?

Joy-Ann believes that Trump sold a vision that was completely at odds with the basic principles of their country. Trump has put up a ‘for sale’ board over the prestige of the US presidency and also on the global stature of America and the national identity as well. The book by Joy-Ann delivers an account of the national crisis of the USA and answer some tough questions as well.

The Man Who Sold America tells an excellent history of the presidential campaign of Donald Trump in 2016. Joy-Ann aced with the details that she shared related to it, which were never heard elsewhere as such. The book is highly recommended to those who are interested in this subject.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. The Man Who Sold America 01 4558.03
  • 03. The Man Who Sold America 02 2421.26
  • 04. The Man Who Sold America 03 3293.02
  • 05. The Man Who Sold America 04 4541.73
  • 06. The Man Who Sold America 05 2652.16
  • 07. The Man Who Sold America 06 3149.69
  • 08. The Man Who Sold America 07 2382.63
  • 09. The Man Who Sold America 08 4690.55
  • 10. The Man Who Sold America 09 1734.32
  • 11. The Man Who Sold America 10 4518.53

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