The Two Towers (Audiobook) Book Two in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy
As the second book in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Two Towers is a continuation of the battles of good and evil. Now, The Fellowship is no longer together in their dangerous adventure as they have split up. Sam and Frodo will need to continue their journey alone to Mount Doom, where they need to destroy the evil ring.
In the meantime, there is a great war coming at Isengard, as the battle for the ring begins. The elves and the good wizards are fighting to guard the ring against the evil dwellers, who want to claim the ring for the power it yields.
But there are still battles ahead. Frodo and Sam are fighting their own battles of wits. They are no longer shielded by the wizards. They have to grow faster and hold on to the ring no matter whatever comes their way. The fate of humanity lies in them, so they have no choice.
J.R.R Tolkien continues in his excellent storytelling ability from The Fellowship of the Ring. The characters are still properly represented as the plot keeps growing on readers. The characters have already split up. It may confuse new readers a bit, but Tolkien’s consistency makes it easy to follow up.
If you’ve read the book and enjoy every bit of it, you will love to listen to the audiobook version. Just like he did in the first book, Rob Inglis continues with his excellent narration and ideal character representation.
The tone and voice for the additional characters are also spot on. Even as the characters split, he continues to provide the right tone and diction on the different characters. The emotion poured into the characters makes is more interesting to listen.
Overall, the audiobook is surely a thrilling and captivating one you will love to listen to over and over again.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. The Departure of Boromir 1424.12
- 03. The Riders of Rohan 3933.7
- 04. The Uruk-Hai 2878.89
- 05. Treebeard 5875.93
- 06. The White Rider 3345
- 07. The King of the Golden Hall 3458.88
- 08. Helm's Deep 2976.36
- 09. The Road To Isengard 2940.41
- 10. Flotsam & Jetsam 2605.91
- 11. The Voice of Saruman 2127.14
- 12. The Palantír 2159.8
- 13. The Passage of the Marshes 3111.03
- 14. The Black Gate Is Closed 2271.72
- 15. Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit 2474.47
- 16. The Window on the West 3568.01
- 17. The Forbidden Pool 1982.57
- 18. Journey To The Cross-Roads 1637.01
- 19. The Stairs of Cirith Ungol 2526.23
- 20. Shelob's Lair 1808.99
- 21. The Choices of Master Samwise 3214.49
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