Deep Kindness – Audiobook Online

Deep Kindness is a revolutionary guide to how we think, talk, and act kind by Houston Kraft.
An essential step to help repair a world that has become ever more divided, lonely and anxious. We’ve over-simplified what it takes to really show kindness in a world that screams for it.

Deep compassion combines anecdotes with actions that can make a real change in our lives around the world. This book takes an honest look at the gap between belief in goodness and the ability to practice it well and shows us how to put intention into action. Exploring everything from empathy distance to emotional regulation skills, Deep Kindness is perfect for anyone who believes in a kind world and realizes that there is much more work to be done before we achieve it.

  • Deep Kindness

  • A Revolutionary Guide for the Way We Think, Talk, and Act in Kindness
  • By: Houston Kraft

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